
गांधी तीर्थ स्वच्छ शाळा राज्यस्तरीय प्रतियोगिता 2023-24

23 April,2024

गांधी रिसर्च फाउंडेशन जळगाव द्वारा आयोजित 'गांधी तीर्थ स्वच्छ शाळा राज्यस्तरीय प्रतियोगिता 2023-24' च्या अंतिम मूल्यांकन व परीक्षणासाठी कोल्हापुरातील पहिली निवासी शाळा असलेल्या नरकेज् पन्हाळा पब्लिक स्कूल अँड ज्युनियर कॉलेजमध्ये गांधी रिसर्च फाउंडेशनचे समन्वयक मा. श्री गिरीश कुलकर्णी सर यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली त्रिसदस्यीय समितीने मंगळवार दि.23 एप्रिल 2024 रोजी भेट दिली.
आमच्या शाळेच्या प्राचार्या मा. महेश्वरी चौगुले मॅडम यांनी श्री गिरीश कुलकर्णी सर व त्यांच्या समितीचे पुष्पगुच्छ व सन्मानचिन्ह देऊन स्वागत केले. स्वागत व परिचयानंतर श्री.गिरीश कुलकर्णी सरांनी प्रतियोगितेसाठी आवश्यक असणाऱ्या दस्तऐवजांची तपासणी केली. वर्षभर राबवण्यात आलेल्या स्वच्छता उपक्रमांचा अहवाल व व्हिडिओ निर्मिती पाहिली.
शालेय परिसर,वर्ग खोल्यांची, स्वच्छतागृहांची,विद्यार्थ्यांचे वस्तीगृह व तेथील स्वच्छतेची, मेस मधील स्वच्छतेची, पिण्याच्या पाण्याची यंत्रणा याची प्रत्यक्ष पाहणी केली व सर्वांचे कौतुकही केले. शिक्षकांशी स्वच्छता उपक्रमाविषयी चर्चा केली. गांधी रिसर्च फाउंडेशन बद्दल थोडक्यात माहिती देऊन प्रतियोगितेसाठीच्या काही सूचनाही दिल्या. कार्यक्रमास मा. प्राचार्या, मा.पर्यवेक्षक, समन्वयक तथा शालेय स्वच्छता समिती सदस्य, सर्व शिक्षक व शिक्षकेतर कर्मचारी उपस्थित होते

Happy Hanuman Jayanti

23 April,2024

On this auspicious day, let's celebrate the birth of Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion, strength, and unwavering dedication. His boundless love and loyalty towards Lord Rama inspire us to overcome obstacles and face challenges with courage and faith.
As we commemorate Hanuman Jayanti, let's draw inspiration from his selflessness and humility. Let's strive to cultivate his virtues of service, devotion, and fearlessness in our lives. May his divine presence fill our hearts with joy and our minds with peace.
Wishing you all a blessed and spiritually uplifting Hanuman Jayanti!.

Happy Ram Navami

17 April,2024

On this auspicious day, let's celebrate the birth of Lord Rama, the epitome of righteousness, courage, and devotion. His life teaches us valuable lessons of compassion, integrity, and unwavering faith.
As we honor Lord Rama's divine presence, let's reflect on his timeless teachings and strive to emulate his virtues in our lives. May his blessings guide us towards the path of righteousness and fill our hearts with peace and harmony.
Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Ram Navami!

अध्यापन उद्बोधन मार्गदर्शन

15 April,2024

अध्यापन हा शब्द प्रयोजक आहे. शिकावयास प्रेरणा देणे हा त्याचा अर्थ होय. अध्यापन करणारा शिक्षक व शिकणारा विद्यार्थी यांना जोडणारी अध्ययन हे फल असलेली आणि निवेदन,विवरण, चर्चा, मार्गदर्शन इत्यादींचा समावेश असलेली कृती म्हणजे अध्यापन. आपले अध्यापन अधिक प्रभावी कसे करता येईल यासाठी नरकेज् पन्हाळा पब्लिक स्कूलमध्ये अध्यापन उद्बोधन मार्गदर्शनाचा कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला होता.
या कार्यक्रमासाठी अध्यक्ष मा.प्राचार्या महेश्वरी चौगुले मॅडम व प्रमुख पाहुणे म्हणून मा.श्री संजय तुकाराम खोचारे सर उपस्थित होते. त्यांनी अनेक पुरस्कार प्राप्त काव्यसंग्रह, कथासंग्रह यांचे लिखाण केलेले आहे. जे स्वतः अध्यापन करत असताना विविध कौशल्य वापरून विद्यार्थ्यांची त्या विषयातील रुची वाढवतात अशा प्रमुख पाहुण्यांनी आपल्या भाषणातून कवितेतील, कथेतील गोडी कशी वाढवावी, विद्यार्थ्यांना आपल्या अध्यापनात समाविष्ट कसे करून घ्यावे,संगीतातून शिक्षण, चित्रकलेतून शिक्षण कसे देता येते याची विविध कौशल्य वापरून, उदाहरणे देऊन अध्यापन प्रभावी करण्यासंबंधी मार्गदर्शन केले.

Happy Gudi Padwa

09 April,2024

Gudi Padwa Celebrations at Narake's Panhala Public School & Jr. College! Amidst joyous festivities, NPPS students and staff came together to celebrate Gudi Padwa with our esteemed Principal, Mrs. Maheshwari Chougule Ma'am.
Gudi Padwa, the Hindu New Year, signifies new beginnings, prosperity, and the triumph of good over evil. As we rejoice in this auspicious occasion, let's remember the importance of preserving our traditions and values while embracing the opportunities that come with the new year. May this Gudi Padwa bring you and your loved ones abundance, happiness, and success. Wishing you all a joyous and prosperous year ahead

Annual Sports Closing Day

06 April,2024

Relive the Excitement of Narake's Panhala Public School's 39th Annual Sports Closing Day!
The atmosphere at Narake's Panhala Public School was electric as we bid farewell to another successful sports season! The event kicked off with an impressive student march past, setting the tone for an action-packed day. From thrilling demonstrations of Mallkhamb, Hockey, Judo, Wushu, Wrestling, and Archery, to the adrenaline rush of individual games like horse riding, every moment was filled with excitement! Kudos to our dedicated sports teacher and esteemed President, Sandeep Narke sir, for nurturing our athletes and guiding them to excellence! The event was expertly hosted by Mr. Nikam and Mrs. Swami, with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Mr. Khomane. A special round of applause to our honorable Principal, Maheshwari Chougale ma'am, for her exemplary leadership in organizing this grand event.
A big shoutout to all the parents who graced the occasion with their presence! And a big round of applause to our incredible coaches, rectors, teachers, and non-teaching staff for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Together, we made this event a resounding success! A special mention goes to President Sandeep Narake and Honorable Mrs. Jayshree Narake for their inspiring speeches, motivating both students and parents alike. Their words of appreciation for everyone's efforts uplifted spirits and encouraged us all to strive for excellence!

NDA Career Guidance Seminar

06 April,2024

"Don't wait for the Opportunity, Create it."
NPPS Panhala and Narake's Defence Academy [NDA] took a proactive step towards empowering our youth by organizing an NDA Career Guidance seminar for the students of 10th and 12th std. at Kolhapur.
Over 500+ students and parents from Kolhapur District gathered to gain valuable insights into the NDA Exam and SSB Interview. Honorable Ex. Lt. Col. Prashant Powar Sir eloquently detailed the journey to a career in NDA, inspiring the young minds present. Respected Chairman Mr. SSandeep NarakeSir delivered a stirring message, urging the youth to join NDA and serve our nation with pride. Principal MMaheshwari ChouguleMa'am played a pivotal role in organizing this enlightening seminar.
The positive response from parents and students alike underscored the importance of such initiatives in shaping our future leaders. This successful event was made possible with the collaboration of Daily PPudhari Kolhapur.